Add Your Vegan Recipes & Win A Signed Book By Gene Baur!

The Clearly Veg team has an exciting surprise for you! Starting from today and ending February 28, by adding your vegan recipes to the recipe section on Clearly Veg, you’ll have the chance to win one of two signed books from acclaimed vegan author Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary!
The process is simple. First you need to make sure you’re logged in to Clearly Veg (it’s free!). If you are new to the site then you can create your account here. Once you’re logged in, all you have to do is head over to Clearly Veg’s recipe section and add your recipe. When the recipe is added, make sure to copy the URL of the recipe, you’ll need that when you add your entry to the contest. And remember, for a recipe to be considered it must be vegan, so no animal products such as milk or eggs should be used as ingredients.
Once you have added your recipe on Clearly Veg, use the form below or this page to submit an entry in the contest. You can sign in with your preferred social media account, and then paste the recipe link. That’s all it takes! Note that you can even submit multiple recipes, increasing your chances of winning. The maximum number of submissions is one a day, until the contest closes.
Submit a vegan recipe to win a signed Gene Baur book!
Now just when you thought the fun was over, here’s when it really starts! This is no random-winner contest, the winning recipes are the ones that are the most popular. All recipes in this contest will be added to this Pinterest board, and to be fair for all contestants, the board won’t have any contest recipes until March 1st. After 2 weeks on Pinterest, the top two most-pinned recipes will be the winners!
The winners will then receive a signed copy of Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts or Minds About Animals and Food or Living the Farm Sanctuary Life. Gene Baur is a vegan, author, activist, and the president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, a rescue organization dedicated to farm animals.
Submit your favorite vegan recipe today and be one step closer to winning these amazing prizes!