Russell Simmons Defends Veganism on 'If Our Bodies Could Talk' (VIDEO)
Russell Simmons, best known for being the founder of Def Jam, but also for his book release The Happy Vegan, is already used to being seen as a voice for animals-and meditation, after becoming vegan 17 years ago.
Simmons was recently invited as a guest on an episode of The Atlantic’s video segment of If Our Bodies Could Talk, with senior editor James Hamblin throwing some common misconceptions and arguments against veganism at him. In a cool, calm, and funny manner, Simmons responded to all comments-whether they were about the supposed high cost of the diet, the lack of protein, or that a person simply likes meat to much to go plant-based.
He responded by stating that veganism is not an expensive diet, and even when eating out, a plant-based curry is a great low cost option, and for those looking to bulk up, he referenced the fact that many weightlifters and athletes are vegans, and that they do just fine. In terms of meat being too hard to give up, Simmons stated:
“Taste buds change very quickly. Once you take something that’s good and healthy, you don’t want to go back to the thing that made your body sluggish.”
In just two-and-a-half minutes, Simmons challenges many misconceptions about the diet, and sends a compliment to fellow vegans, stating they are “humble, sweet, and compassionate human beings”. You can watch the entire interview below: