The First African American Vegan Starter Guide is Here!

A collaboration between Farm Sanctuary and author Trayce McQuirter, of By Any Greens Necessary, has produced the first vegan starter guide for African Americans. The free, 40-page toolkit highlights a variety of resources, such as recipes, dining out advice, and FAQ specifically for anyone in the Black community looking to become more plant-based. The guide also features information on prominent Black vegans, like U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Forest Whitaker, Russell Simmons, Stevie Wonder, and Erykah Badu, to name a few.
McQuirter says the mission of the starter guide is to:
“… empower even more people to take back control of their health, to recognize that plant-based foods are a part of our cultural heritage, and to realize that African Americans benefit the most from eating a plant-based diet, which enables us to live longer, healthier lives.”
Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Baur has voiced his excitement to be partnerd with McQuirter for this project, stating, “We are grateful to join in the decades-long efforts of communities of color in this vital work.” Find, use, and share your copy here!
Photo: By Any Greens Necessary