Alec Baldwin: This Thanksgiving, Adopt a Turkey

This year, Alec Baldwin is the spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project, which was founded in 1986 and is celebrating its 30th year! The project encourages people to “save a turkey at Thanksgiving through sponsorships that help rescue animals and provide care for them at sanctuaries, as well as educate and advocate for turkeys and other farm animals everywhere.”
TIME featured a story about Baldwin’s involvement, where the actor elaborates on his many reasons for supporting the project:
“Like most people, I don’t like thinking about things that make me feel bad. But I also don’t like animal suffering, so I feel the need to speak out about it. At least 46 million turkeys suffer heartbreaking fear and pain before being killed each and every Thanksgiving. This year, I’m supporting Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project because turkeys are just as friendly, smart, and full of feeling as my dogs, and they deserve to be treated better. I hope you’ll join me by sponsoring.”
To learn more about the project or to adopt a turkey this Thanksgiving, visit this link. For other animal-friendly ways to celebrate the holiday, check out our post on Thanksliving!
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