Paris Jackson: “All high end fashion brands will soon switch over to no-fur & anti animal cruelty”

In a series of tweets, Paris Jackson, model, actress and daughter of Michael Jackson, explained why she left the Dior fashion show on May 25.
Dior’s spring/summer Cruise 2019 Collection show had a “Mexican-inspired rodeo” theme, which included the use of horses. While it was initially reported that Jackson angrily stormed out, she clarified the situation on Twitter:
“to be clear, i did not “storm out” of the show. i quietly got up and walked out trying my hardest to not cause a scene, because i do not support animals being branded and whipped. not trying to become enemies in the fashion world in any way, but i will always be myself.”
She added:
“furthermore, i was not ‘enraged,’ just taken by surprise and a little heartbroken. and i have no doubt that all high end fashion brands will soon switch over to no-fur and anti animal cruelty, as that seems to be the pattern here. and we should all be very excited about that! :)”
Earlier last month, Jackson joined Stella McCartney and Miley Cyrus at the 2018 Met Gala, where they spoke about sustainable fashion.
It is so uplifting to see famous people speak out against animal abuse of any kind. This is one of the greatest ways we can wake people up to see the truth. I thank each one of these people from the bottom of my heart!!
I was actually fired from my job for speaking out against the Rodeo!!!!!!! I won’t compromise my beliefs regardless of the consequences!!! It may not have been so smart of me-but I must stand up for my values-what is right, kind and merciful-as we ALL should!!! SO HAPPY that Paris took a stand too!!!